best ai tools for marketers and marketing strategies
The Best AI Tools For Marketers & The Ethics of Their Use

Written by Brittany Degnan

June 6, 2024

There’s no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) has become a large part of our technological advancements over the past several years. Although AI was not initially created to streamline marketing processes specifically, many agencies have begun to utilize AI automation in their everyday operations. However, marketers and advertisers need to balance the utilization of AI and human creativity and innovation. While AI can streamline processes and enhance efficiency, it should complement rather than replace the human element. At WiT Group, we advocate for the strategic use of AI tools in marketing, emphasizing its role as an aid rather than a substitute.

Best AI Tools for Marketers

Each AI tool serves a specific function and should be used accordingly. We’ve compiled a list of the best AI tools for marketers, along with insights on their optimal use and a cautionary note on over-reliance.

AI Tool

AI Tool Description

Gemini A quick-access research tool for finding specific data or statistics. Powered by Google, Gemini is essentially an AI abetted search engine and does not understand complex questions very well.
ChatGPT True AI with superior understanding of complex language models. Best for having a conversatinoal relationship with the program and understanding complex constructs. Does not have access to live internet, yet.
Jasper Creates written content for blog posts and short-form writing. Specifically a writing tool.
Claud Best suited for long-form writing tasks such as manuals, complex documents, and even books!
Grammarly Improves writing quality by correcting spelling, grammar, and structure – also takes human writing and converts into AI writing, which is detected by many AI writing tools.


Ethical Considerations

When using AI, marketers should consider the ethics behind integrating AI into every market practice. When clients sign on with a marketing agency, they entrust that agency with their investments, expecting strategic guidance and expertise. Delegating tasks entirely to AI might undermine this trust, relegating agencies to middlemen. There is nothing stopping the client from cutting out the middleman entirely. By balancing AI assistance and human creativity and expertise, marketers uphold their role as stewards of client investments, offering value beyond algorithmic calculations.

A/B Testing

The A/B testing strategy is often used for ad campaigns, allowing marketers to refine campaigns and optimize their outcomes. While using AI automation for ad copy can accelerate processes, testing campaigns with infinite outcomes (A/B/C/D/E/F/G….), human oversight is always necessary. Entrusting an AI bot to autonomously manage all possible outcomes will result in the agency running ad campaigns that are overtly AI-generated and fail to achieve the company’s ad objectives. In the end, AI optimization can veer off course without human input and specified objectives, leading to subpar results. It’s important that marketers use oversight with AI tools to ensure business objectives align, whether it’s maximizing reach, impressions, or closing deals.

a/b ad copy testing

AI Content Tools: Helping Write and Research

AI content tools offer many capabilities, from research assistance to content generation. Gemini is great for retrieving new data directly from the internet, as it is a research tool no different from a smart search engine. ChatGPT, on the other hand, has the ability to understand complex language, facilitate interactive editing and communication, and create written content. However, the overuse and reliance on ChatGPT have led clients and marketers alike to recognize when content has been exclusively created through the platform. Tools like Jasper and Claud are specific for writing content ranging from blog posts to long-form content, even writing entire books, augmenting the creative process without overshadowing it. While not a traditional AI content tool, Grammarly enhances writing quality and refines spelling, grammar, and sentence structure, ensuring content that resonates with audiences.

ai chat bot waving hello

Automation Tools

Automation tools like Slack AI and Zapier help streamline operational workflows, freeing up time for strategic initiatives. While these tools may enhance efficiency, as with all AI tools, they should supplement human expertise. The balance between automation and personalization should be leveraging AI to streamline repetitive tasks while preserving human creativity in client interactions and strategy development.

ai automation tools

AI Automation

AI Automation Description

Slack AI Streamlines team communication and workflows.
Zapier Integrates apps to automate tasks and workflows.
SalesLoft Automates sales email outreach and cadences

The integration of AI into marketing practices will continue to hold potential for efficiency and innovation. However, it’s important to approach AI as a complementary tool rather than a replacement for human creativity and expertise. Balance is a marketer’s best friend, maintaining the potential of AI while maintaining integrity and efficiency in strategies. As more technological advancements occur, embracing AI as an ally rather than a substitute will be key to future success and integration.

<a href="" target="_self">Brittany Degnan</a>

Brittany Degnan


Brittany Degnan is a PR and Brand Manager for WiT Group and works out of the Columbia SC office.
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