How Marketing Agencies Are Evaluated.
For over a century agencies have provided marketing and advertising services for companies looking to build a presence and grow their business. During that time an entire marketing and advertising industry has developed, centered around agency reputation, awards, client experience, and uniqueness. These are all indirect indications of an agency’s ability but surprisingly marketing agencies are rarely evaluated based on the results they achieve for their clients.
Why Results Are Omitted.
Rarely are advertising companies even at liberty to discuss their clients’ results, at least in terms of revenue and market share capture. Even more often, agencies do not closely track “post-click” performance for their clients making a measurable ROI on their efforts impossible. Vague generalities like “tremendous increase in web traffic” and “really got the name out there” are loosely thrown into the discussion as agencies attempt to shift the discussion to the creativity and uniqueness of their efforts.
Results Don’t Win Awards.
Awards in advertising are based on creativity, uniqueness, and usually some politics. While there are some prestigious awards that all agencies truly strive for, the list of awards given to advertising agencies for their results is a short one. Because clients validate an agency based on the number of awards in their trophy case, it is no mystery why marketing agencies refer to high budget projects as “portfolio pieces”. Since awards and visual portfolios are the best way for agencies to validate themselves in a prospective client’s eyes, can you really blame them?
So What Does Results-Driven Mean?
A results-driven agency takes a different approach to client acquisition and retention. While the trophy case may be collecting dust, successful clients are long-term clients and they refer more business to their marketing agency. By focusing on results, our marketing agency aims to bring an end to the empty bromidic marketing talk and to transform the conversation between client and marketing agency to one of numbers, data, and success.
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