Google Ads Click Through Rate Dashboard
Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started with Google Ads

Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform, where businesses create and manage ads to appear on Google’s search engine and across its advertising network. It’s a powerful tool for reaching potential customers searching for business-related products or services. Google Ads provides businesses with a measurable and controlled way to build brand awareness and acquire customers. It offers detailed analytics and targeting options to optimize campaigns effectively.

Initial Steps to Setting Up Google Ads

  1. Build a Website: Ensure a business has a functional website to drive traffic from ads. Websites serve as the destination for users who click on ads.
  2. Set Up Analytics: Install Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to effectively track user behavior, conversions, and campaign performance. This step is important for measuring the success of Google Ads campaigns.
  3. Create a Google Ads Account: Setting up a Google Ads account is free. Add billing information even if there is no plan to run ads immediately.
  4. Add The First Campaign:
      • Start with search campaigns targeting key phrases relevant to business objectives and audience.
      • Write ads highlighting the unique selling propositions (USPs) and align them with chosen keywords.
      • Utilize ad extensions like site links and callouts to provide additional information and improve ad visibility.
  5. Verify The Business: Google Ads requires verification to ensure the legitimacy of businesses. Upload the necessary documents to complete this process.
  6. Create Conversion Events: Define and set up conversion tracking to measure business-relevant actions, such as form submissions or purchases. Create the conversion events in GA4 and connect those conversions in Google Ads by associating the properties.

Importance of Defining Goals

Before launching campaigns, take the time to define specific, measurable goals. This could be increasing website traffic by 20% within the next quarter, generating 100 qualified leads per month, or boosting online sales by 15% for a new product launch. Clear goals provide a roadmap for ad campaigns, helping businesses determine the most effective budget allocation, bidding strategy, and success metrics. By setting measurable goals, brands can track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately achieve a greater return on their marketing investment.

torn piece of paper revealing goals and objectives

Role of Keyword Research

Keyword research involves understanding a business’s target audience’s search terms, leveraging tools like Google Keyword Planner to discover new possibilities, and continuously refining the brand’s keyword list based on performance. This process ensures ads reach the right people at the right time with the most relevant keywords, maximizing a campaign’s reach and performance and, ultimately, driving conversions.
marketer holding magnifying glass over keyword

Google Ad Campaign Types

Google Ads offers many campaigns for different objectives, including:
women looking at clothing advertisements on phone and laptop
  • Search Ads: Ideal for reaching users actively searching for products or services related to specific offerings. Target users with relevant keywords and write text ads that address their search intent.
  • Display Ads: Great for brand awareness and reaching a broader audience. Target users based on demographics, interests, and browsing habits on websites within the Google Display Network. Use eye-catching images or video ads to grab attention.
  • Performance Max: This automated campaign type simplifies targeting by letting Google optimize ad placements across Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, and Discover. Ideal for maximizing reach and conversions while letting Google handle the specifics.
  • Shopping Ads: Perfect for showcasing products directly on Google Shopping. To entice shoppers, include high-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and competitive prices.
  • Video Ads: Reach viewers on YouTube with engaging video ads. Depending on goals (brand awareness vs. driving conversions), choose from formats like skippable in-stream ads, non-skippable bumpers, or in-feed video ads.
  • App Campaigns: Promote app installs, engagement, or pre-registration (for upcoming apps) with targeted app campaigns.
  • Local Services Ads: This separate platform helps local businesses connect with potential customers searching for nearby services.
  • Smart Campaigns: A good option for beginners, these automated campaigns combine Search and Display targeting for a simpler setup.

By understanding each campaign type’s strengths and target audience, businesses can create a Google Ads strategy that aligns with their specific advertising goals.

marketer clicking blue bid button on keyboard

Budget and Bidding Strategy

Setting a budget aligned with business goals and financial capacity is the first step in Google Ads’ success. Next, choose a bidding strategy like manual CPC (Cost Per Click) for control or an automated option like Target CPA to optimize for conversions within budget. This strategic approach ensures ads reach the right audience, maximize clicks or conversions, and deliver a strong return on investment (ROI).

marketers meeting to check campaign performance

Best Practices for Strategic Ads & Monitoring Campaign Performance

When creating ads for Google Ads, ensure they are clear, concise, and easy to grasp while emphasizing unique benefits and USPs. Consistency between ad text, chosen keywords, and landing page content enhances relevance and user experience. Continuously testing and optimizing ad copy and creative elements to maximize effectiveness. Regularly monitor key metrics such as CPC, CTR (Click-Through Rate), and Cost/Conv. (Cost per Conversion), and ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) to gauge performance. Adjust campaigns based on these metrics to improve ROI and achieve campaign objectives effectively.
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Conversion Tracking and Measurement

Use Google Ads’ conversion tracking tools to track user’s actions after clicking on ads, measuring how effectively campaigns drive conversions. This data allows businesses to optimize bids and budgets accordingly, ensuring advertising efforts are focused on achieving the best possible ROI. By continuously analyzing conversion data, brands can refine their strategies to maximize the impact of their Google Ads campaigns and meet their business objectives.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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When setting up Google Ads campaigns, avoid errors like ignoring geographic targeting, neglecting negative keywords, and misaligning ad strategies with business goals and audience needs. Proper geographic targeting ensures ads reach relevant audiences by location, while negative keywords prevent irrelevant ad displays and optimize spending. Aligning ad strategies with business goals and understanding audience preferences improves overall campaign effectiveness.

Google Ads Support and Resources

Google offers support through customized recommendations based on campaign performance and goals. Alongside advanced features such as automated bidding and machine learning, these instruments provide streamlined management and enhanced targeting precision. Effectively leveraging these tools helps businesses optimize their Google Ads for better results and successful advertising outcomes.
It’s important to stay informed about updates to Google’s algorithms, new advertising features, the increasing use of automation and AI in managing ads, and the role of optimizing landing pages to maximize campaign performance. By keeping up with these developments and applying best practices, businesses can use Google Ads to grow, enhance their brand’s visibility, and achieve their marketing objectives online.

Need help managing your Google Ad Campaigns? WiT Group is here to help. Check out our free business audit to learn more about our pay-for-performance model and how we can help you get started today!

<a href="" target="_self">Brittany Degnan</a>

Brittany Degnan


Brittany Degnan is a PR and Brand Manager for WiT Group and works out of the Columbia SC office.
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