Mobile Matrix Repair

Mobile Matrix Repair had a problem our agency commonly sees: One of its locations wasn’t seeing any web traffic. While in other areas the business was performing well, their Greensboro, NC location made it appear as though the company didn’t exist online.

mobile matrix new website design

Where we started.

When we first talked to Mobile Matrix Repair, it had been over six years since their website had any major updates. The design was dated, there was no logo, and the technologies behind the website were very antiquated. In short, the website was a dinosaur.

The outdated design, layout, and an adaptive mobile site structure led to problems with indexing and contributed to an overall poor site quality. Search engines and users alike had a hard time reading the site’s content, and that resulted in the website hardly ranking for any relevant search queries. Each day that the site stayed like this, MMR was losing money. We needed to move fast.

Project Timeline: 1 week.

Quick Action

Within 48 hours our agency was able to gain access to MMR’s website, analytics, and Google listings where we made the necessary optimizations and decided to build a landing page through Google My Business while we rebuilt the website. Simultaneously, we began working on the company’s local SEO and building a new functional website. In the first week, MMR started to see a lift in traffic.


After a week, our agency was able to produce a much-improved, fully functional WordPress website, complete with a new logo and branding guidelines for MMR. Not only did the overall web design and user experience improve, but the website was optimized and more easily indexed by Google and other search engines.

Within a few weeks, the website rankings drastically improved, conversions occurred at a higher rate, and new business for MMR’s multiple locations.

380% Six-Month Organic Growth for MMR

With a more robust website and strategically developed local SEO campaign, MMR was ready to start leveraging paid advertising campaigns to drive even more customers through the door. The results were outstanding: MMR grew organic traffic by over 380% in the first three months after working with our marketing agency.

“WiT Group was able to get results – and quickly. They have made a tremendous impact on our Greensboro location and are now working with all of my locations to enhance our web presence and drive leads. I would highly recommend WiT Group!”

Adam Pulliam

Founder, Mobile Matrix Repair