
DebtMD (DMD), a credit solutions company specializing in debt relief, encountered operational challenges as its business expanded, particularly when it came to collecting accurate attribution tracking and analytics. Struggling to efficiently trace leads from various channels and recognize them upon redirection to partner sites, DMD sought external expertise. With an aging website built on a discontinued CMS platform, our team was tasked with developing a new website that would enhance user experience, provide a superior website design, and improve data accuracy. Our involvement began with a thorough analysis of DMD’s existing lead tracking system, pinpointing pain points in the user journey. Subsequently, we devised a strategy to mitigate these issues. This strategy encompassed website redesign, intricate analytics integration, and the creation of a debt solution tool called the Debt Analyzer. The overarching objective was to bolster lead generation, streamline lead tracking processes, and bolster conversion rates.

debtmd logo financial doctor placing stethoscope on dollar sign

Modern Website Design

desktop hero debtmd website design
debt md website desktop design

Our Process


DMD approached us to address a lead qualification issue. They struggled with accurately tracking leads from various sources and identifying them upon redirection to partner sites. This tracking deficiency hindered their ability to effectively gauge lead quality and conversion rates.


Our primary objective was to revamp DebtMD’s website to enhance lead generation and streamline lead-tracking processes. We aimed to develop a solution that would accurately track users from different sources, provide personalized debt solutions through a newly designed website, and ultimately increase conversion rates.


We devised a strategy focused on comprehensive website redesign, integration of complex analytics, and the development of a personalized debt solution tool called the Debt Analyzer. Our approach prioritized seamless user tracking, intuitive user experience, and lead qualification.


What We Did

Website Design

We initiated a full website redesign to create a user-friendly interface that conveyed trust and safety. The color scheme of blue and green was chosen to instill a sense of security, with green as the accent color to draw attention to key elements. The redesign focused on optimizing user journey and conversion points.


debtmd concept to final desktop design
debt md mobile website design

Complex Analytics Integration

We completed a full website redesign for DebtMD to create a user-friendly interface that conveyed trust and safety. The color scheme of blue and green was chosen to instill a sense of security, with green as the accent color to draw attention to key elements. The color orange was incorporated as a call-to-action (CTA) color, fueled by ads, to prompt user engagement. Rounded buttons were implemented throughout the design to enhance visual appeal and encourage interaction. The redesign focused on optimizing user journey and conversion points.

Debt Analyzer Tool


Central to our solution was the development of the Debt Analyzer tool—an interactive quiz crafted to evaluate users’ debt situations and propose customized solutions based on specific partnerships facilitated by DebtMD. We engineered this tool to proficiently gather user data and align them with suitable debt solutions, bolstering lead quality and conversion rates. Additionally, we seamlessly integrated calculators, including loan payoff, credit score, and monthly payment calculators, to offer enhanced utility to users.

debt analyzer mobile


Facebook ads sufficated by debt

Improved Lead Tracking

We refined DebtMD’s tracking capabilities to trace leads originating from their debt solution partners precisely. We established a comprehensive system that accurately captures user interactions across their partner platforms by employing cross-domain tracking and seamlessly integrating analytics. This thorough approach eliminated manual sorting, enabling DebtMD to identify and prioritize leads efficiently. With enhanced visibility into lead sources and behaviors, they gained valuable insights to optimize marketing strategies and improve conversion rates. Our streamlined tracking system saved valuable time, allowing them to focus on generating leads and driving business growth.

Enhanced User Experience

The redesigned website offered users a unique and personalized user experience, guiding them seamlessly through the platform with intuitive navigation and visually appealing design. Interactive features ensured active user involvement in debt management. The Debt Analyzer tool provided personalized assessments and recommendations for suitable debt solutions, instilling confidence in DebtMD’s expertise and commitment to customer-centric solutions.
debt md website desktop design
financial web app on mobile design

Increased Conversion Rates

The strategic combination of website redesign, analytics integration, and the Debt Analyzer tool significantly improved DebtMD’s conversion rates. The redesigned website engaged users and guided them toward meaningful interactions through user analysis and refined content delivery. Advanced analytics provided valuable insights, enabling DebtMD to optimize marketing strategies and tailor outreach efforts. The Debt Analyzer tool optimized conversion rates and revolutionized the user experience, offering personalized debt assessments and recommendations. These initiatives resulted in higher-quality leads and improved conversion metrics.